Friday, April 24, 2009

What is an Escort Card?

I am reposting this because I think its important.

An escort card is a card that the guests pick up during cocktail hour and it then directs them to their dinner table. A place card sits at the dinner table and tells guests what specific seat is theirs. With place cards you have to figure out who is sitting next to whom and that can be time consuming. I hear place card used all the time but remember place card and escort card are used for different things.

Typically the guests name goes on the front and the table name or number goes on the inside or bottom corner. You can use either to carry out your theme. Attach the card to a bottle of champagne, a candied apple, a candle or just adorn the card with your monogram, a flower, a knot or just your themes motif.

If you are doing only escort cards but are offering your guests a choice of entree you must put something on the card that subtly says beef, fish or chicken. I have seen different colored cards for different food choices or different adornments added to each card.

I always recommend doing escort cards over not doing anything. Guests need to be guided into the reception and feel better if escorted where to go.

1 comment:

Christina Hagan said...

great explanation Meredith - I think the whole place card vs escort card is the most common confusing thing

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