Monday, April 7, 2008

Tips on Toasts

I know I have discussed this before and you know I feel strongly about appropriate toasts at weddings. I was going over this with a client so I thought I would revisit it here.

Make sure you determine the order of people toasting before the wedding day.
If the FOB plans to welcome or toast he should go first, possibly before dinner is served.
The best man should toast next or before cake is cut and served. The MOH can also go at this time.

(Keep it short, make it personal, mention both the Groom & the Bride, speak loud and finish by wishing couple well and asking guests to stand and toast. The bride and groom stay seated as they are being toasted to.)

Other people that might want to toast would be the groom to his bride and her family. Other toasts should be done at the rehearsal dinner. You want to get to the dancing and having fun.

Doesn't sound too hard does it?


K said...

The father of the groom wants to give a toast at our wedding, but we're not inclined to allow it. How common is it that the father of the groom gives a toast at the wedding?? (sidenote: no support financial or otherwise was provided by the father of the groom).

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Meredith said...

Hello K,
I think it would be more acceptable to have it at the rehearsal dinner (if he's is hosting thats even better, but either way its more appropriate). Just let him know that you have a BM toast and ? and there is just not enough time because you need to get the meal out and start the party.

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